1. Install Requirements
yum install -y gcc make apr-devel

Download oracle jdk tar.gz file and extract to /opt, create symlink for convenience:

cd /opt
tar -xf jdk-8u121-linux-x64.tar.gz
ln -s jdk1.8.0_121 jdk-latest

Now, for upgrade jdk, just extract new tar.gz file and update symlink to new jdk folder.

  1. Extract and build jni-native library
cd crowd/apache-tomcat/bin
tar -xf tomcat-native.tar.gz
cd tomcat-native-1.1.33-src/jni/native
JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk-latest ./configure --with-apr=/usr/bin/apr-1-config

Now we have builded jni native so library in .libs folder, if no errors.

  1. Use APR library. Add correct java.library.path option in startup script:

Create configuration file /etc/default/crowd if you use my systemd unit for start crowd (link below):


Alternatively edit the /opt/atlassian/crowd/apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.sh and add this to JAVA_OPTS:


Ссылки по теме:

  1. Setting Crowd to Run Automatically and Use an Unprivileged System User on UNIX


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